I am 17 months postpartum and I still get emotional and teary-eyed just looking at my little beauty. She is so smart and beautiful and my heart just about explodes with joy knowing that she's mine. Her giggles are infectious and deep belly laughs intoxicating! I am a stay-at-home-momma so I am with her nearly 24/7 and yet the few times that I've spent the night away from her I can't wait to get her back; She's my drug that I can't live without.
When I'm tired, she makes sure that I'm exhausted. When I'm hungry, she likes to make me starve. When I need to pee, she needs to pee first. When I finally get started on that book, she brings me her own book. When M and I got married a dear friend of mine said that she felt as if she didn't know who she truly was until she got married. That is the feeling I have about becoming a momma. I would have never thought twice about Pampers or Parents Choice, Gerber food or homemade food, or anything BPA free! Now my whole life revolves around constantly thinking about someone else and their needs and wants.
I have been pooped on, pee'd on, spit up on, and just recently puked on. I can rock a sticky shirt like nobody's business and dance to Choo Choo Soul 'til I fall on the floor. I can quote Lion King and Lady and the Tramp word for word and still not tire of watching her laugh at the hyenas or Siamese cats.
My heart and soul have been forever changed and there's no going back. I will trek this mountain called motherhood for the rest of my life. When my own babies have babies I will slide down and climb back up again, helping them each step of the way. For this is my calling and my purpose: Momma :)
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..." - Jeremiah 1:5

My wonderful husband got me the bike and baby carrier I had been wanting for Mother's Day!
When I'm With You by JJ Heller
My sister played this song for me not long after A was born and it still describes my love for her now, enjoy!
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