Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Let It Be

A is nearly 18 months old and I still feed her myself most of the time.  I am a perfectionist and neat freak, and it's so much cleaner for me to feed her myself.  Plus she eats all of the food when I do it.  Whenever I do let her try herself  food gets almost everywhere except in her belly, thus ending in me feeding her anyway.  So that's something I'm working on.  I've been making her food, and unless we have somewhere to go directly afterwards, I am letting her feed herself.  I know it's going to get messy, but it hasn't taken too much longer to wipe everything down when she's done.  Not only is she gaining independence, but I know this also helps with her fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, etc.  I know that in this instance I have to start letting her grow up; messy as it may be :)

So Friday afternoon I decided to convert A's crib to a toddler bed.  She loved it!  She squealed with delight as soon as the rail came off and starting hopping up and down on the bed.  I asked if she liked her big girl bed and she gave me a big grin and plopped herself down with her baby doll.  It was even a big help with discipline.  She got in trouble a little while later and I told her to go sit on her bed and she did!  Fast forward to bedtime.  She went to sleep easy as usual, but woke up several times during the night and came into our room.  Finally around 1:30 I gave up and let her sleep with us the rest of the night.  I thought about it the next morning and realized that this was something I was pushing for a little too soon.  She's not even two years old yet and it's not like we need the crib for a new baby.  So why am I trying to transition her when she's clearly not ready?  If she sleeps through the night in a crib, there is no reason to mess that up.  I know that at some point she'll be too big for her crib and may even start climbing out.  When that day comes it'll be back to the drawing board, but for now I'll let her sleep for when she wakes ... I'll have to wake too :)

Every time we sit down at the table for breakfast, lunch, or supper, I always say to A, "Ok bow your head, let's say the blessing."  Last night I put A in her highchair and made us all a bowl of spaghetti.  I turned around to put the bowls on the table and A looked at me, clasped her little hands, and bowed her head.  Needless to say while Daddy blessed the food, I cried happy tears! I must be doing something right! That was such a proud moment for this Momma.  My baby has learned how to bow her head and pray and that is one of the best lessons ever, for her and myself.  I've learned that she is growing up so so fast.  If I push too much, I'm going to look back one day and wish I had let her stay a baby a little longer.  And if I keep her little too long, I'll miss knowing that she's learning and grasping the lessons my husband and I are teaching her.  

Lately I've been stuck in a place wondering if I am pushing A to grow up too fast or keeping her a baby too long. Well, I'm so glad I learned it now before I blink and she's 5 years old heading off to kindergarten :)  I've realized that we're doing just fine and that with God's timing she will grow up and be who she's supposed to be.  My pushing and pulling isn't necessarily doing any good.  I have learned to let her be, she is a tiny little sponge soaking up new things everyday and is learning all the time whether I plan it or not!

Big Girl Bed!

    In her toddler bed, and sleeping sweetly back in her crib the next night :)

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the Heavens." - Ecclesiastes 3:1

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