Friday, January 18, 2013

Stranger, Danger!

Maybe since I've become a Momma I've also become a nervous nelly.  But I'd like to think I'm just being extra cautious now days since I have more to look out for and protect than just myself.  Don't get me wrong, my husband does a great job at keeping us safe and protected.  I can't tell you how many times he's responded to my nudges in the middle of the night with an inspection of our apartment as if  he were on some military covert mission - It's usually pretty funny once I get the all clear :)  However there are times that he's not around whether it's being out of town for work or a shopping trip he'd just rather not join.  These are the times when I am on high alert.  Things are so much different than when our parents were kids and even when we were kids.  I remember riding my bike without any concern for predators or kidnappers, and leaving our front door unlocked so we could get in after school.  Unfortunately that is no longer the world we live in, so I've decided to share a few tips on being safe when you're alone with your kiddos or even by yourself.  

These are in no particular order of importance. I feel like they are all important and can hopefully keep you safe while you're out and about!

  • No Texting/Talking on the Phone!  
    • I know this may seem a bit extreme, but mostly I'm referring to when you're leaving or getting into your vehicle.  If you're inside a store or restaurant it's a little different, there are many more people around - still be alert though!  But if you're walking to your car and your chatting away, or even worse sending a text, you have no idea who is watching you or following you. 
  • Lock your doors!
    • We all lock our doors when we're out of our vehicles right? Well, here's what I do when it's just A and me.  I unlock the doors, open the back door and lock them all back.  Then I continue getting her into or out of the car as usual.  That way if anything were to happen to me I could shut the door and she would at least be locked away while I try to defend myself.  As opposed to being attacked while an accomplice gets in my car and takes off with my daughter.  See motherhood really gets your imagination working, right? ;)
  • Don't Feed the Cat!
    • You know what happens when you feed stray cats?  They follow you home.  You can be friendly and say hello if someone prompts you, but don't give out more information than is necessary.  Sometimes we get so caught up in being friendly that we may be inviting an intruder to our home.  No one needs to know that you're out alone or your husbands away on work this weekend or even that your dog died. You're basically saying "Hey you can come over, my husbands gone all weekend and my dog won't be barking anymore!"  Seriously, you just don't know who you could be talking to - man or woman, bad things can still happen.
  • Don't be Afraid to Confront!
    • If you feel like someone is watching you or following you confront them!  Especially if you are in a public place with many other people around.  If you whip around and ask what they are doing, more than likely they will back down.  They don't want to cause a scene and with so many onlookers starting to stare they will probably go away.  Still, be cautious and have security or even a store manager walk you out to your car.  
      • This actually happened to me tonight, which is what got me thinking about writing this post.  I was in Target tonight when I noticed that a man seemed to be following me.  I was bent over playing with A and I immediately stood up straight and kept walking.  I turned and he turned, my heart was pumping.  I was coming up on the make-up aisle and as soon as  I turned into it, I swung around and said, "Can I help you?!"  ... Luckily, for myself and him, he found his wife :)  I know it seems like a funny story, but I'm glad I was aware of my surroundings and noticed some husband..following me. 

I come from a family of five kids.  Myself being the oldest, followed by two sisters, and two boys bringing up the rear.  My dad taught all of us how to fight and defend ourselves should the situation ever arise.  My sisters and I also carry a key chain with pepper spray.  We have never had to use it, but we are ready and prepared if need be. 

When you were in grade school did you ever know of a bully that wouldn't back down when confronted or given a dose of his own medicine?  Not likely.  And that's what most predators are, bullies.  All it takes is a little courage to fight back.  I pray that I never have to defend myself or my child.  But rest assured that if that ever happens, even though I will be scared to death, I'm not going down without a fight!

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." -                                                 
                                                     Ephesians 6:11

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