Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Deserving Dote

I've mentioned this blog before and I do absolutely love it!  She is definitely a messenger of the Lord.  He always gives her the right words that I need to read at just the right moment.  So, I am going to try something new.  She has a feature called "Five Minute Friday".  If you're a blogger yourself, I encourage you to try it out!  Basically every Friday she gives a one word prompt and you're supposed to write for five minutes flat.  No editing or thinking.  Just a quick write from the heart.  It may or may not be pertaining to stay-at-home-mommas (SAHM), but it's my 5 minute labor of love :)  

I've been thinking of a dear friend/mentor the past few days.  So when I saw today's prompt was "again" I set a timer and started writing.  It's not much and I can't promise to participate every Friday, but I hope to get better with each try. 

This blog is dedicated to stay-at-home-mommas and today's feature post is about a SAHM of a different kind, but a SAHM nonetheless  :)


She wakes up, lets the dogs outside, makes a cup of coffee, meditates on the Word, cooks her husband breakfast, packs him a lunch, and sends him on his way.  All of this beginning at 4:30 am.  
She looks in on her, takes her to the bathroom, cleans her up, changes her clothes and gets her ready for the day.  Makes her breakfast and gives her vitamins and meds.  
She sets her up with different activities throughout the day.  Threading beads onto yarn, color by number artwork, quiet books, sensory boxes filled with sand and rice.  She fixes lunch, cleans up lunch, and takes a nap.  She goes to meetings and support groups with others like herself and walks around the neighborhood.  She welcomes her husband home, prepares supper, and cleans up after supper.  She tries to unwind in the evening, but is still "on-the-clock".  She washes her up at night, puts her in a nightgown, and tucks her into bed.
She pours herself into bed and wakes up in the morning to do it all again-with a smile.  And for someone whose memory of all of this is wiped clean again and again.
She is the full time caretaker of her mother-in-law who has Alzheimer's.   
She is my aspiration and an inspiration.  Again and again and again. 

A lovely bunch of flowers and a  handmade birthday card from the caretaker herself; just another selfless act  :)

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come."
                                     - Proverbs 31:25 


  1. Savannah! I'm a Daughter of the King too :-)
    What a beautiful post ...
    Such a beautiful servant heart. My Mom had Alzheimer's too. Your write in a way that I can see that you wear the ornament of God's grace, love and support so beautifully. He honors that. God bless you, strengthen you, and reward you ... He surely will.

  2. Beautifully written! What a portrait of the character of Christ that she displays every day.
